Spécialiste terreaux, engrais, solutions biologiques
Terralba, cultivez sainement, cultivez vivant !

Profitez de nos remises jusqu'au 29 septembre 2024 !

For all cultures,

all volumes

Quantities tailored to your needs

Terralba is a 100% natural product line suitable for all types of cultivation, easy to use, providing exceptional harvests, health, and environmental respect.

Terralba, The Online Store

Visit our shop or choose a category below.  

Terralba Innovation


Innovation is life. Our online store is entirely dedicated to soil health.

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Terralba Engrais Naturel

Natural Fertilizers

Our organic amendments and fertilizers: composts, guanos, seaweeds, microorganisms...

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Terralba Roche


Our organic mineral friends: azomite, basalt, zeolites, leonardite...

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Terralba Nouveauté

New Arrivals

Discover our latest arrivals and new offers of the moment.

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Terralba Thé de Compost Oxygéné

Oxygenated Compost Tea (OCT)

Activate and empower your soil, create your own range of organic fertilizers!

See our products

Terralba Sol Vivant

Living Soil Packs

Discover our solutions and recipes for cultivating abundance in living soil.

See our products 

Terralba Pot Géotextile

Recycled Geotextile Pots

Innovative and trendy, geotextile pots represent the urban garden of tomorrow.

To find out more

Terralba Ollas

Biotech Ollas Irrigation Systems

Ollas, a high-tech, millennia-old automatic irrigation system.

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La Olla or Oya (Ollas, Oyas), an age-old, high-tech automatic irrigation system recommended by Terralba.

Perfect for all crops, whether indoors, outdoors, in pots or directly in the ground (why not say lowtech, it's a big movement that aims to get the best possible results while consuming as little energy as possible) - Ollas, Oyas.

Jamet® - Lutton® - Wepot®

To find out more

Terralba, distributeur de Ollas
Terralba Pot Géotextile

Terralba presents :
the geotextile potfor the comfort of your plants

Increases root development by allowing them to cling to the pots while letting the soil breathe to optimise nitrogen uptake. True innovation in the comfort and stimulation of your plants while being ecological and trendy.

Gronest® - Root Poutch®

To find out more

piment produit en culture organique bio de terralba.eu
poireaux produit en culture organique bio de terralba.eu
tournesol produit en culture organique bio de terralba.eu
salade produit en culture organique bio de terralba.eu
fruit produit en culture organique bio de terralba.eu
plante en culture organique bio de terralba.eu

Terralba has a unique approach to growing crops through soil enhancement.

For soil to be healthy, it must respect the approximate balance of this graph. Current analyses in France give an average of between 1.5% and 2.2% of micro-organisms in field crop soil. Problems arise in the soil cycle when the rate falls below 2%, at which point the soil is no longer able to maintain itself and begins to decay. 

Our aim is to restore and maintain this balance, by placing living beings at the centre of our concerns, and at the free service of sensible, sustainable farming.

illustration compte instagram terralba dédié à la culture organique

Join us on instagram for more information about our working methods and our vision of growing crops in living soil that respects ecosystems. We also post all our events and news.

Follow-us on instagram

illustration Groupe Facebook sur la culture organique act bio system par terralba

Professionals, join our TCO and living soil culture group on our Facebook group.

This group is dedicated to exchanging knowledge, information and helping each other with organic TCO crops.

To join the Act Bio System group


Solutions and techniques for everyone, for dynamic, high-quality organic crops.

We offer innovative growing concepts and techniques, and a range of healthy, productive materials.

Terralba will make your crops flourish while preserving the environment!

Find out more about our company and our products

Pourquoi travailler avec terralba pour sa culture organique illustration
présentation produits Terralba sur étagère

Distribute Terralba, the widest range of unprocessed organic products, in shops or online

An offer and support programme tailored to all volume strategies

To find out more

présentation produits Terralba

They trust us

Partenaire Terralba Planter chez nous
Partenaire Terralba Mon Jardin Bio
Partenaire Terralba La région Occitanie
Partenaire Terralba Jardiland
Partenaire Terralba Meilland Richardier

What do you need? Innovation is life!

Our mission is to offer the best possible natural solution adapted to the needs of each sector.
Find out more about our products and offers tailored to your objectives.

Supplier and consultant for professionals

Find all Terralba products in large volumes, training courses and recipes adapted to all crop professionals using TCO techniques: agriculture, viticulture, CBD, market gardening, sports fields, green spaces, etc.

Open Act Bio System

Living soil solutions for growing hemp

Les besoins agronomiques pour les cultures Cannabacées sont similaires à celles du potager mais pas identiques, nos produits proposés également. Nos recettes ont été adaptées avec The High Chameleon et Can High Kick It à la culture chanvrière pour les petites, moyennes et grandes productions en intérieur comme en en extérieur.

Voir la boutique de nos préparateurs spécialistes de solution Chanvre