Flowering TCO Pack
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Improves plant growth
Better absorption of nutrients
Improved nutritional quality of the plant
Better nutrient retention
Reducing amendment costs
Adapted to the needs of your garden
The complete Amending Kit to make your own Oxygenated Compost Tea!
Little-known and little-used in France, oxygenated compost tea (OCT) or TCAA (actively aerated compost tea) a liquid extracted and fermented from compost in the presence of oxygen.
Unlike liquid manure obtained by soaking without forced air, oxygenated tea has no unpleasant odour, as it is non-pathogenic, and fertilizers are extracted more rapidly. It contains both soluble nutrients and living microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes).
It is used for 2 purposes :
to inoculation of microbial life
the addition of soluble nutrients to feed microorganisms and plants.
In short, it nourishes and protects your plant.

There are many advantages to using TCO:
Improving plant growth
Reduced disease because beneficial microorganisms compete with pathogenic organisms on and around the plants
Better absorption of nutrients by the plant
Better nutrient retention
Improved nutritional quality of the plant
Reduction in soil amendment costs and elimination of pesticides
Freedom of action to meet your garden's needs (fungal, bacterial, deficiencies, growth, flowering...).
Find out more about TCO on our dedicated page.
Kit details :
Composition :
Vermicompost : 2Kg
Organic black molasses : 100ml
Kelp hydrolysate : 50g
Organic mealworm guano : 100g
Alfalfa Lucerne : 250g
Comfrey : 250g
Composition :
Vermicompost : 5Kg
Organic black molasses : 250ml
Kelp hydrolysate : 100g
Organic mealworm guano : 250g
Alfalfa Lucerne : 500g
Comfrey : 500g
Composition :
Vermicompost : 10Kg
Organic black molasses : 500ml
Kelp hydrolysate : 250g
Organic mealworm guano : 500g
Alfalfa Lucerne : 1Kg
Comfrey : 1Kg
Composition :
25kg of Vermicompost
1L of Organic black molasses
1kg of Organic mealworm guano
500g Kelp hydrolysate
2kg of Comfrey
2kg of Alfalfa Lucerne
1 filter TCO 400µ de 18x82cm
Instructions for use :
Frequency :
• With compost and molasses alone: 2x/month without supplements
• TCO complete with plants and supplements: up to 2x/week for fattening.
Duration :
• 24h for a bacterial tea
• 36h for fungal tea
Information :
• Water temperature: 19-22°C
• Oxygenate the water 24 hours in advance to de-chlorinate and aerate.
• Watering: 0.5 to 1 litre minimum per plant (or 5% of the volume of the pot)
Dosage :
Weigh out all ingredients and mix evenly in a container. Ideally, allow the materials to work for 24 hours, then insert them into the appropriate filter. Place the filter on the machine.
TCO dosage par Litre :
• Vermicompost : 25g
• Organic black molasses : 1ml
• Kelp hydrolysate : 0.5g
• Organic mealworm guano : 1g
• Alfalfa Lucerne : 2.5g
• Comfrey : 2.5g
An essential :
Cane molasses serves as food for micro-organisms. They love it! Contains sugars and trace elements.