Ollas / Oyas Triangle, ideal for pots - TERRALBA
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Can be used on organic farms, all year round
Energy-free irrigation system
Water saving
Maintains soil moisture
What is an Olla ?
The Olla (Ollas in the plural:) or also known as the Oya, is an earthenware jar that is buried 3/4 of the way into the ground to maintain a good level of moisture in the soil. It's an ancestral irrigation technique that has many benefits, including saving water, being easy to use and saving time.
Because Ollas are porous, water gradually diffuses into your soil by capillary action when it becomes too dry. So your plants can pump water into your substrate when they need it. Ollas allow you to maintain a stable level of humidity rather than alternating between periods when the soil is too wet, then too dry.The millennium Low Tech system par excellence!
Micro-porous ceramic automatic watering system that prolongs the supply of water and nutrients. Thanks to the porosity of the ceramic container, the water diffuses slowly underground, as close as possible to the roots. Ideal for geotextile pots and planters and/or for placing directly in the soil of your vegetable gardens, as close as possible to your most water-hungry plants.
An ancestral system dating back 4,000 years, it saves around 60% of water by preventing evaporation, and requires 2 to 3 times less water than normal watering.

How to use it :
Instructions for use :
Bury the lower round part completely in the ground as close as possible to the roots of your various crops. Fill the container with water and you're ready to go!
Informations :
Can be used on organic farms, all year round